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Still know eldest brother Chen!"
Luo easily this time, once the brain turn, finally realize a problem where, his mask had no and saw to know his person only have cold 100 big waves, to Chen Jun Min, he also not is well again express of so warm and affectionate, to cold 100:"You not drive summer did the Hou Zhang pull to walk?Now how get here?"He this really knows perfectly wells adviser!But can't, although know how he came, be can not mean that oneself knowses!
At this time gold toward giving birth to several individuals to all come over, the person of this ship are still equal vigilances to them, the weapons in the everybody's hand didn't let go of, lookinging at of alert gold toward giving birth to several individuals, they see very clearly, several individuals come over of time, all light loose, in the their eyes, absolutely is all superior, really start a hand, they really have no cure of success.
Cold 100 big waveses sighed tone, way:"Now not is say this of time, hereafter have an opportunity!"
Luo easily also knows, they look and is fleeing for life!Consequently ask a way:"What bother?Perhaps I can help you!"
Cold 100 big wave airs an earthquake, Luo easily just express of light achievement, believed to have his help, this problem may is easy to solve.He tooks a look Chen Jun Min and hopes that he can make a decision, this after all isn't what he can say to calculate, Luo easily to them, is a stranger.Chen Jun Min doesn't know as well how do just good, to cold 100:"We or ask a princess, see her having what plan!"
Cold 100 big waves also not say what, can order, to Luo easy way:" Easy, this isn't what I said can, the affair fears to compare you to imagine of have to be serious, to, are you how to come here, not in the troops?"Just made reference to here, he all smiled by himself, " you saw I have much careless, troops is where, all not in this place!"
Luo easily also smiled, west rather and early Wu country, also have what troops can talk, but at the thought of troops, he thought of Huang Yuan to still have Cao to open way their 2 people, don't know whether they is still on the hoof as well.
Cold 100 big waveses indeed as expected ask a way:"What about yellow eldest brother and battalion commander horse?"
Luo the easy rim of eye is red red, but don't express more seriously, way:"Battalion commander horse falls in action, Cao battalion commander and yellow eldest brother are in the battle and I together drive captive, however, we be not together jail of, till now I don't know they how!"
"Is so!"Is cold 100 big wave Na the Na didn't know to want to express what mean from the language, he drive summer Hou Zhang after grasping to walk, always under the putting in the custody of of Hou Zhang in summer study fighting skill, the time in the beginning, he return the wanting of whole day run, can several times come down, he also gave up hope.And, he discovers, the summer Hou Zhang really wants to teach his fighting skill, therefore also have peace of mind down, hope that oneself can seek his/her own friend very quickly, so while practicing, hardly diligently , with his talent, is plusing the outstanding instruction of the Hou Zhang in summer, his progress lets the Hou Zhangs in summer all feel unimaginable, but also lets the Hou Zhang in summer be getting more happy, at induction of time, work harder more!
Chen Jun Min is very quick from the cabin in come out, the facial expression isn't too good, walk to them front of, way:"The princess isn't too good, the condition of the injury has a little to worsen again.As I am seeing, she hasn't waked up and seem temporarily is can not wake up!"
"How, you also does someone get hurt?"Luo is easy although know maimed is a river bank Qian of emperor, can can not say now.
Cold 100:"While coming out, we resisted a short while, the princess is harmed, the blood vessels is damaged, really annoy difficult line of!"
In the Luo easy heart on moving, come of time, all the way he has never discovered an emperor the river bank Qian has what fighting skill, have never thought is still a quite good superior!He not the way of dew voice color:"Do you mind if I see?100 big waves you also know that I was a stem before what of, may have some to use!"
Cold 100 big waveses saw bodyguard Chen's one eye, although he gets along with emperor river bank Qian after this a period of time, the relation is still quite good, can in other people's in front, he also notice to keep distance with princess, because this is what princess requests.
Chen Jun Min actually has already accepted easy this person of Luo, although now is extraordinary period, can they have already arrived at the end of one's rope situation.Princess says very goodly, he wants to return to teacher door to seek more severe person, can who also not know if her teacher door would like to come to trip, this muddy water!Way:"That had the Lao Luo's childe!"
Luo easily also has no polite, way:"I return first to give an account some matter on board, right away past."
The gold saw to mean to say toward livinging several personal pieces to open mouth what, but Luo easily has never permitted them to speak, way:"You also return to!"Several personal darlings returned to ownly on board, they also embraced to have same hostility to these unfamiliar persons, just Luo easily knows them, so didn't express very exaggeration just.
Return to ownly on board, Luo easily right away give an account for a while, "a short while I go over and have a look, you don't want to pass by, gold Hui and gold Huang with I go to like, remember, if talk with them, don't say we what island came up, didn't talk as far as possible, really didn't go, say from south coast come of!"
Gold toward livinging several individuals to carelessly order, their of course not knows why want to be so careful, can since Luo easily said, they certainly have no opinion.
And Luo is easy this is pure are the decision that the words that proceed from growing to two clans make, who don't know how the other people will deal with them as well.
Arrange gold toward after livinging and waiting a person, Luo easily returned to their ships of Chen Jun Min again.Arrived cabin, he saw emperor river bank Qian.The difference is also three many months, he feels an emperor river bank Qian is to a little bit change, can concretely change where, he still has no concept and just feels different.The emperor of now river bank Qian, facial expression green ash, on the body also not is attiring of a fair lady, but benefit Suo of close fitting armed, more attractive eyeball that his body of originally round and smooth maturity set off, can Luo easily have no to so grow a mood to appreciate, also not know he is congenitally to woman already reject still another reason, may be that the intelligence isn't mature, so big, the woman who gets in touch with is very few, be to the view sound Niang son, have some taboo in his heart.
"She is really grown of internal injury!"Cold 100 big waveses the small voice say on the side, " I once tried, very strange, unexpectedly and outward the dint rejected sex very greatly and and was hard to get in to go in her blood vessels, so have no way and discover that she exactly harms a where, she once waked up as well by herself, canning have no can talk, faint again!"
Luo easily to inside the knowledge of achievement, actually very plain, can he still has very deep understanding to the basic current of air movement inside the human body of, because the knowledge he get in touch with before, very big parts all speak of the thing.He packs a mold to do kind of take next vein, and then turn over to open eyes of the river bank Qian of emperor to took a look, time after all finishing doing, this just start sounding out sex of to transfer into in her blood vessels a little true spirit.He feels true to annoy to circulate forward very flowing freely, have no cold 100 big waveses to say so-calledly to reject, but he didn't speak, just caution of to the pubic region of emperor river bank Qian enter hair.Time that about there is a moment circulated for a week sky at emperor the true spirit inside the body of the river bank Qian.At the same time, he has some another result, very strange with emperor river bank Qian of inside achievement path having a probably of understanding, he, emperor river bank Qian of inside the achievement route was full of a strange corner, not what he once sees, openly inside achievement route, but absolutely is very profoundly inside achievement, he can affirm, if the self-discipline has results to show, effect will equal of Gao.
Eyes of emperor river bank Qian moved to move and saw to have to be awake!
"Luo's childe's medical skill is true Gao!"Chen Jun Min is on the side unbearable compliment way, he really thinks so, from emperor river bank Qian collapsed and fainted of this a period of time inside,Cheap Beats By Dre, they once thought various method, there is all no effect, who know that Luo easily and only is to try to try for her, have already give°ed the person to save!
"Teacher, you came!"Emperor river bank Qian suddenly and lightly of call a , chase other persons all stunned speechless, what teacher!There are still here other people?
Luo easily with cold 100 big waveses all on the alertly to four Related articles:

